Lov PPT Trial
Earn $20.00 for each 1$ trial. This is a more mainstream dating site, where you can push all your mainstream traffic to. As every other site, Lov is translated into 19 languages: Dansk, German, English, Spanish, French, Greek, Italian, Hungarian, Nederlands, Norwegian, Portugese, Romanian, Swedish, Russian, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Czech and Polish.
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Lov PPT Trial
Earn $20.00 for each 1$ trial. This is a more mainstream dating site, where you can push all your mainstream traffic to. As every other site, Lov is translated into 19 languages: Dansk, German, English, Spanish, French, Greek, Italian, Hungarian, Nederlands, Norwegian, Portugese, Romanian, Swedish, Russian, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Czech and Polish.
Lov PPT Trial lander version 3
Lov PPT Trial lv002
Lov PPT Trial version_10
Lov PPT Trial version_5
Lov PPT Trial version_9
up to $40.00 per Conversion
Payout is made via Bank transfer after the end of every calendar month. Only transactions that do not Chargeback are considered for payout. If a transaction is resulting in a chargeback the chargeback amount + the already made payout will be subtracted from the following payout. Payouts are only for sums over the webmaster's minimum payout amount and will be paid out once after the end of the month.